The front page of the blog template
I've finally released the source code my MDX blog at andersmadsen.dev. You can get the code here. I've stripped it of my content, so it's ready for yours 🙂.
An example of a blog post page with image and code
The workflow for the blog is very simple. Any blog post that you save in either the blog or guides folder, will end up on your site, ordered by date. The frontpage will show the latest two posts for each type of article.
If you want to write a post, you can branch out from main. Once you are done writing it, you can merge back to the main branch. When an update hits the main branch, your chosen hosting provider, if configured, will update your website accordingly. I strongly recommend using Vercel for this.
This makes the workflow incredibly simple. That said, Be careful that you don't push anything to main that isn't ready for production.
How the guides list look with posts
The app can be improved in many ways. These are some examples:
I've talked about the process of building the app in these posts:
You can use my code for inspiration or for the basis of your blog. I hope you were able to learn something.
I write mainly about web development, so follow me for more articles in this vein. I'd love to learn about your website styling and development process, feel free to share it. Also, if you have any questions, feel free to reach out in the comments 🙂.