How to Avoid Navigating to the Same Route Multiple Times in Android (Jetpack Compose)



When working on an Android application, it’s common to have a scenario where you want to avoid navigating to the same route multiple times on button presses. For example, let’s say we have a button on the home screen that takes you to a profile page. If the user taps the button repeatedly, we don’t want to navigate to the profile page multiple times.


One way to solve this is by comparing the route we want to navigate to with the route found in the currentDestination.route field of the NavController. If the routes are the same, it means we are currently navigating to the requested route, and we don’t need to call the navigate method again.

onClick Example

This is how the solution would be implemented in a Jetpack Compose button:

fun NavigationExample(
navController: NavController = rememberNavController()
) {
Button(onClick = {
val targetRoute = "YOUR_ROUTE"
if (navController.currentDestination?.route !== targetRoute) {
}) {
Text(text = "Navigate")

Extending NavController

By implementing an extension method for the NavController, we can avoid repeating the same code in other places if we want to implement the same functionality:

fun NavigationExample(
navController: NavController = rememberNavController()
) {
Button(onClick = {
val targetRoute = "YOUR_ROUTE"
}) {
Text(text = "Navigate")
private fun NavController.navigateOnce(targetRoute: String) {
if (this.currentDestination?.route !== targetRoute) {


In conclusion, by comparing the route we want to navigate to with the currentDestination.route field of the NavController, we can avoid navigating to the same route multiple times on button presses. By implementing an extension method for the NavController, we can easily reuse this functionality in other places.