My website i styled and developed using this approach.
I use the Material 3 Theme Builder in Figma to kickstart my design and development process. Using this tool I am quickly able to generate a theme that I can use both in Figma and my Next.js project, here's how I do it.
The Material Design team at Google has released "Material 3" which, as you might have guessed, is the third iteration of their open-source design system.
While the components and such are really cool, for this guide we are mainly interested in using the color system for designing and developing our website. I mainly use the components as inspiration, especially since they haven't been released for web at the time of writing. The color system consists of different tones and accents, making sure you have a color to select in any situation (as long as your design isn't too convoluted).
Google has created the "Material Theme Builder" tool for Figma. This tool allows you to generate a new theme or change an existing one. You can do this by using the dynamic or custom mode. The dynamic mode sticks completely to how color tones are generated for Material 3 and is the recommended setting. Using the custom mode, you can choose your own core colors to generate a theme using your own rules. This guide uses the dynamic mode. Using the dynamic mode you simply select a source color, which then generates a theme. This theme is then usable in Figma as can be seen in the below image:
A view of the theme builder tool and the resultant generated styles in Figma.
The tool actually generates two themes, a light and a dark variation, both using the same source color you picked. Switching between these in Figma can be kinda hard since it isn't supported natively in the application. However, you can trust that the colors work just as well in the dark theme as they do in the light theme. There does exist plugins for Figma which allow you to switch themes, This is one of them.
Once you have generated your Material 3 styles in Figma, you can use them to design your project. When it makes sense, you can start developing the project in Next.js or any other frontend framework of your choice.
You can export your generated theme in the Material Theme builder by using the export button and choosing CSS.
The export menu.
This results in a zip-file containing styles for your theme's color and text. If you unpack this file, it will result in a "css" folder with the necessary CSS stylings to develop a frontend that closely matches your design relatively easily.
The following is a guide on how to implement the styling in a Next.js project. The project is default and blank for content. The guide also includes how to implement theme switching. To implement the styling, do the following:
@import url(css/theme.css);
to import all the styles you need.(prefers-color-scheme: ...
attributes from the theme.css file. These do not work with the next-themes
library we will be adding soon.Providers
component to support this feature.inter
const and replace it with roboto
like this:
_10const roboto = Roboto({weight:["100", "300", "400", "500", "700", "900"], subsets:['latin']});
_10<body className={`${roboto.className}`}>
That should take care of the base implementation. You are now ready to use the CSS styles provided by Material 3
The name of the styles in Figma correspond to the names in the generated CSS which you've added. To use the surface background color, simply use the surface
CSS class. To use a certain text like "body/large" use body-large
as a CSS class in a paragraph tag.
Switching between variations is easy since you've added "next-themes". By using the useTheme()
you retrieve an array that contains the setTheme()
function. By then using setTheme('light')
or setTheme('dark')
you can allow users to set the theme of your website. You can for example hook up a button that toggles between the variations, like this:
_10function ThemeToggle(){_10 const {theme, setTheme} = useTheme();_10_10 return(_10 <button onClick={() => setTheme(theme === 'light' ? 'dark' : 'light')}>_10 Toggle theme_10 </button>_10 )_10}
I've created an example project which can be found here. This project is correctly set up like i've described in this article. You can use it to cross-reference if something isn't set up correctly in your solution.
A view of the example project page.
This is the current way I set up my frontend projects. This is of course not for everyone, as I enjoy styling things myself and avoiding component libraries. By utilizing this method, I can rapidly create a unified design system for both my frontend project and Figma, allowing me to get started quickly.
I hope you were able to learn something that might help you. I write mainly about web development, so follow me for more articles in this vein. I'd love to learn about your website styling and development process, feel free to share it. Also, if you have any questions, feel free to reach out in the comments 🙂.